San Jose Partners
We are a sustainable community development project out of the University of Rochester Department of Family Medicine and we are glad you have found us! Our Department has partnered with a rural community in Southwest Honduras called San Jose San Marcos de la Sierra. We started working with this community in 2005 and have made great strides improving the health of the local population through a collaborative approach to rural development. Although we are physicians by training, much of our efforts in San Jose are non-medical in nature. For the San Jose community members, lack of safe water and under-nutrition cause more ill health than does their limited access to curative health care. We realize this and create solutions to address the problems, even when the solutions are outside our comfort zone.
San Jose Partners, Inc was formed in early 2024 to better delineate our activities in Honduras from the main activities of the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Rochester. San Jose Partners, Inc is a 501c3 tax exempt charitable organization in the US. Our mission and the people involved have not changed.
The Fall 2024 Trip Report is now available!
- Brief overview of Project Site
- Trip Reports
- Video Fall 2018 – tells what and why we do what we do
- Video journal from October 2016
For those who want more details on philosophy and project-specific information, visit the following link.