Thank you so much for considering to support our efforts in San Jose! Prior to July 2024 we relied on the Highland Hospital Foundation to support our work in San Jose. San Jose Partners, Inc is now an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the US.

Electronic Methods

Donate using Venmo. Donate to San Jose Partners using this Venmo Link. @sanjosepartners is the Venmo user name. Note that Venmo will take 1.9% of your donation for their expenses.

Donate using PayPal. Donate to San Jose Partners using this PayPal link. Note that PayPal will take 1.9% of your donation for their overhead.

Corporate Matching Donations. Many major corporations will match your donation to San Jose Partners. We work with a company called Benevity that manages Corporate donations. Apple, Abbott Pharmaceutical, Google, MicroSoft, Nike, and hundreds of other companies use Benevity. Consider approaching your company’s philanthropic department to inquire if they use Benevity and then donate to San Jose Partners Inc.

If you prefer to donate using the Highland Hospital Foundation visit Department of Family Medicine Global Health Fund via URMC . Note that donations may be used to support family medicine resident education expenses, in addition to projects in San Jose.

Non-Electronic Methods

By check: 

Make check payable to “San Jose Partners, Inc.”.

Mail check to: 
Highland Family Medicine
777 Clinton Ave, South
Rochester, NY 14620 USA
Attn: Dr. Douglas Stockman

By Payroll Deduction (URMC/HH employees only)

Visit the appropriate link below.  Print out the form and complete.  Mail the completed form to the address listed above (for checks).